New Flavors part 2

The third and fourth flavors that were to be experimented on were Bak Kwa (Which is featured in the first blog on this page) and Coffee…which no one seemed to like and is therefore stuck in the Flavor Vault.

I won’t talk about Bak Kwa too much, because there’s a whole blog about it, but it really is the flavor that kind of set the mission statement to what it is today.

Bak Kwa

The fifth flavor and the one that took Coffee’s place in the standard lineup is Ohn No Khao Swe or ONKS as its lovingly called by me. Hah. Maybe I’ll write a blog regarding the story on how this came to be…maybe. The dish itself some would say is the national dish of Myanmar.  Its a coconut chicken curry type dish served with noodles and best mopped up with Parathas. Like so many dishes, every family has its own version and it even varies by where people live as well.  I topped it with dried garlic chips for texture because the original dish usually has fried noodles on top for the same purpose. But noodles on beef jerky is too zany, right? I’m so glad I got the chance to explore this facet of Burmese Cuisine because prior to this, i didnt know any Burmese people. And now I know 3. With the co-sign of two of their moms. Perhaps that is a story for another time.


I love the way that the turmeric in this gives it the most regal golden hue.